Yale Chooses Maurie McInnis as New President

Yale University has announced that Maurie McInnis will serve as its next president, making her the first woman to lead the prestigious institution in its 320-year history. McInnis, currently the executive vice president and provost at the University of Texas at Austin, will assume the role on June 1, 2023.

McInnis brings a wealth of experience and a strong track record of leadership to the position. She has served in various academic and administrative roles at the University of Texas at Austin since 2005, including as a professor of art history and as dean of the College of Fine Arts. In her current role as executive vice president and provost, she oversees the university’s academic mission and strategic initiatives.

In a statement announcing McInnis’s appointment, Yale Board of Trustees Chair Candace Beinecke praised her as a “visionary leader” who is “deeply committed to academic excellence, diversity, and inclusion.” McInnis herself expressed excitement about the opportunity to lead Yale, stating that she is “honored and humbled” to take on the role.

McInnis’s appointment comes at a crucial time for Yale, as the university grapples with a range of challenges, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, increasing competition for top students and faculty, and calls for greater diversity and inclusion on campus. In her new role, McInnis will be tasked with guiding the university through these challenges while upholding its longstanding commitment to academic excellence and research innovation.

As the first female president in Yale’s history, McInnis’s appointment is a significant milestone for the university and for higher education more broadly. It reflects a growing recognition of the need for greater diversity and representation in leadership roles in academia, and signals Yale’s commitment to fostering a more inclusive and equitable campus community.

McInnis’s selection as Yale’s new president has been met with widespread praise and excitement from the university community and beyond. Many have lauded her as a highly qualified and accomplished leader who is well-equipped to guide Yale through the challenges and opportunities of the coming years.

Overall, Maurie McInnis’s appointment as Yale’s new president represents a historic moment for the university and a promising new chapter in its distinguished history. With her leadership, vision, and commitment to excellence, McInnis is poised to lead Yale into a bright and successful future.