Trump’s Defense Rests After He Chooses Not to Testify in Hush-Money Trial

Former President Donald Trump’s defense team has rested its case in the hush-money trial after Trump made the decision not to testify. The trial, which centers around allegations that Trump directed illegal hush-money payments to two women who claimed to have had affairs with him, has been closely watched as it could have significant legal and political implications for the former president.

Trump’s decision not to testify in the trial comes as no surprise, as he has consistently maintained his innocence in the matter and has denied any wrongdoing. His defense team has argued that the payments were made for legitimate reasons and were not intended to influence the 2016 presidential election.

The trial has featured testimony from several key witnesses, including former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who has alleged that Trump directed him to make the hush-money payments. Cohen has also claimed that Trump was aware of the payments and was involved in the scheme to silence the women.

Despite the testimony from Cohen and other witnesses, Trump’s defense team has sought to cast doubt on the credibility of the witnesses and has argued that there is no direct evidence linking Trump to the payments. They have also sought to portray the payments as a routine business transaction and have argued that Trump was not personally involved in the decision to make the payments.

The trial has sparked renewed interest in the hush-money payments and has raised questions about Trump’s conduct while in office. If Trump is found guilty in the trial, it could have significant legal consequences for him and could potentially lead to criminal charges.

As the trial comes to a close, all eyes will be on the jury as they deliberate on Trump’s fate. Regardless of the outcome, the trial has once again highlighted the legal and ethical challenges that Trump faced during his time in office, and has raised important questions about the accountability of public officials.