Rep. Kelly Armstrong Wins GOP Primary for North Dakota Governor

Rep. Kelly Armstrong has emerged victorious in the GOP primary for North Dakota Governor, securing his place as the party’s nominee for the upcoming election. With a background in law and a strong record of conservative leadership, Armstrong is poised to be a formidable candidate in the race for governor.

Armstrong, who currently represents North Dakota in the U.S. House of Representatives, has a long history of public service. Prior to his election to Congress, he served as a state senator in North Dakota, where he gained a reputation as a strong advocate for conservative values and a champion for small businesses and rural communities.

Throughout his time in Congress, Armstrong has been a vocal supporter of President Trump’s agenda, particularly on issues such as tax reform, deregulation, and border security. He has also been a staunch defender of the Second Amendment and has worked to protect the rights of gun owners in North Dakota.

Armstrong’s victory in the GOP primary is a testament to his strong support among conservative voters in North Dakota. His message of limited government, individual freedom, and economic prosperity resonated with voters who are looking for a leader who will prioritize their interests and values.

As he moves forward to the general election, Armstrong will face off against the Democratic nominee and will have the opportunity to make his case to the people of North Dakota. With his track record of conservative leadership and his commitment to fighting for the people of his state, Armstrong is well-positioned to be a strong contender in the race for governor.

North Dakota is facing a number of challenges, including economic uncertainty, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the need for strong leadership to guide the state through these difficult times. Armstrong has the experience, the vision, and the determination to address these challenges head-on and to work towards a brighter future for the people of North Dakota.

As the GOP nominee for governor, Armstrong will continue to build on his record of conservative leadership and will make the case to voters that he is the best candidate to lead North Dakota forward. With his victory in the primary, Armstrong has taken a crucial step towards securing the governorship and bringing his brand of principled, conservative leadership to the state.