As China’s Pressure on Taiwan Rises, Departing U.S. Envoy Urges Steady Hand

As tensions between China and Taiwan continue to escalate, the outgoing U.S. envoy to Taiwan has urged for a steady hand in managing the delicate relationship between the two countries. Brent Christensen, who has served as the director of the American Institute in Taiwan since 2018, recently departed from his post and expressed concerns about China’s increasing pressure on Taiwan.

In recent years, China has ramped up its efforts to isolate Taiwan diplomatically and assert its claims over the self-governing island. Beijing considers Taiwan to be a part of its territory and has refused to rule out the use of force to bring it under its control. As a result, Taiwan has been facing growing threats from China, including military exercises near its borders and diplomatic pressure to reduce its international presence.

In his farewell remarks, Christensen emphasized the importance of maintaining a steady and consistent approach to managing the relationship between the United States, Taiwan, and China. He stressed the need for continued engagement with Taiwan, as well as support for its democracy and security.

Christensen also highlighted the importance of the Taiwan Relations Act, which serves as the legal basis for U.S. relations with Taiwan. The act, passed by Congress in 1979, commits the United States to provide Taiwan with defensive weapons and support in the event of an attack. Christensen noted that the United States remains committed to upholding its obligations under the act and supporting Taiwan’s security and self-defense capabilities.

As tensions between Taiwan and China continue to rise, it is crucial for the United States to maintain a strong and consistent stance in support of Taiwan. The outgoing U.S. envoy’s call for a steady hand in managing the relationship between the two countries is a timely reminder of the importance of standing up for democracy and freedom in the face of growing authoritarianism.

In the face of China’s increasing pressure on Taiwan, it is more important than ever for the United States to stand by its ally and support its right to self-determination. By maintaining a firm and consistent approach to the Taiwan-China relationship, the United States can help ensure peace and stability in the region and uphold the values of democracy and freedom.