A Nebraska man is facing a unique challenge as he tries to change his daughter’s name from ‘Unakite Thirteen Hotel’. The father, who has chosen to remain anonymous, says he regrets the unconventional name he and his wife gave their daughter and is now determined to legally change it.
The name ‘Unakite Thirteen Hotel’ was inspired by the parents’ love for gemstones, as Unakite is a type of mineral. Thirteen was chosen because it is considered a lucky number by the family, and Hotel was added as a nod to the father’s career in the hospitality industry. However, as their daughter has grown older, the parents have come to realize that the name is causing more harm than good.
The father explained that his daughter, now eight years old, has faced ridicule and teasing at school because of her unusual name. She has also struggled with filling out forms and introducing herself to new people, as the name is often met with confusion and disbelief. The father has seen firsthand the negative impact the name is having on his daughter’s self-esteem and social interactions, and he is determined to make things right.
Changing a child’s name can be a complicated and time-consuming process, especially when both parents do not agree on the decision. In this case, the father’s wife is hesitant to change their daughter’s name, as she still holds sentimental value to the original choice. The father is now faced with the difficult task of convincing his wife to come to a compromise and agree to a new name for their daughter.
In Nebraska, the process of changing a child’s name involves filing a petition with the court, providing a reason for the change, and obtaining consent from both parents if they have joint custody. The court will then review the petition and make a decision based on the best interests of the child. The father is hopeful that the court will understand his reasons for wanting to change his daughter’s name and will grant his request.
While the father acknowledges that changing his daughter’s name will not erase the past, he believes that it will give her a fresh start and a chance to define her own identity. He is committed to supporting his daughter through this process and ensuring that she feels confident and proud of her new name.
As the father navigates the legal process of changing his daughter’s name, he hopes that other parents will learn from his experience and think carefully before giving their children unconventional or unusual names. Names are an important part of a person’s identity and can have a lasting impact on their life. It is important to choose a name that is meaningful, easy to pronounce, and will not cause unnecessary hardship or embarrassment.
In the end, the father’s ultimate goal is to give his daughter a name that she can be proud of and that reflects her true essence. He is determined to see this through, no matter the obstacles he may face along the way.