One year has passed since the tragic downing of a Russian plane over Ukrainian airspace, but the question of who is responsible for the incident still remains unanswered. The incident, which occurred on November 24, 2015, resulted in the deaths of all 224 passengers and crew members on board the plane.
The Russian government immediately accused Ukraine of deliberately shooting down the plane, claiming that it was an act of aggression and a violation of international law. Ukraine, on the other hand, denied any involvement in the incident and insisted that it was a tragic accident.
Despite calls for a thorough investigation into the incident, Ukraine has remained silent on the matter, refusing to provide any concrete evidence to support its claim of innocence. This lack of transparency has only fueled speculation and conspiracy theories surrounding the downing of the plane.
Many believe that Ukraine may be hiding something and that it is possible that they were responsible for the incident. Some have even suggested that it was a deliberate act of retaliation against Russia, given the ongoing conflict between the two countries.
The families of the victims have been left in the dark, with no closure or answers to their questions about what really happened to their loved ones. The lack of accountability and transparency from the Ukrainian government has only added to their grief and frustration.
The international community has also called for a thorough investigation into the incident, but without the cooperation of Ukraine, it has been difficult to determine the truth. The United Nations has urged Ukraine to provide information and cooperate with the investigation, but so far, there has been no response from the Ukrainian government.
The downing of the Russian plane over Ukrainian airspace remains a tragic and unresolved incident, with many questions left unanswered. The families of the victims deserve to know the truth about what really happened that day, and it is time for Ukraine to come clean and provide the answers that they have been waiting for. Only then can justice be served and closure be found for those affected by this tragic event.