At Biden Fund-Raiser, Hollywood and Democrats Let the Trump Attacks Fly

At a recent fund-raiser for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, Hollywood celebrities and prominent Democrats took the opportunity to unleash a barrage of attacks against President Donald Trump.

The star-studded event, which took place in Los Angeles, featured speeches from celebrities like actor Tom Hanks, actress Rita Wilson, and director Steven Spielberg, as well as prominent political figures like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Throughout the evening, speakers took turns criticizing Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, his divisive rhetoric, and his administration’s policies on issues like immigration and climate change. They also highlighted Biden’s experience, empathy, and ability to unite the country.

Pelosi, in her speech, accused Trump of “fomenting chaos and division” and praised Biden as a unifying force who can bring the country together. She also emphasized the importance of electing Democrats down the ballot to support Biden’s agenda.

Spielberg, a longtime Democratic donor, urged attendees to support Biden’s campaign financially and urged them to mobilize their friends and family to vote in the upcoming election.

The event drew a large crowd of wealthy donors, with tickets starting at $10,000 per person. The fundraiser raised millions of dollars for Biden’s campaign, which is seen as crucial in the final stretch of the election.

The attacks on Trump at the fundraiser reflect the intense animosity that many Democrats and Hollywood celebrities feel towards the president. Trump has been a frequent target of criticism from the entertainment industry, which tends to lean liberal.

As the election draws closer, it is likely that we will continue to see Hollywood and prominent Democrats ramp up their attacks on Trump in an effort to mobilize voters and secure a victory for Biden. The fundraiser in Los Angeles was just the latest example of the fierce opposition that Trump faces from his political opponents.